Blind spot test
The presence of the optic disc creates an actual blind spot in your visual field. This means that you walk around every day without getting any visual information from a small region in each eye. You never notice it because your brain is amazingly adept at using information from other photoreceptors to fill in the gap. Find this hard to believe? Try this little test of the blind spot.
Cover or close your right eye and look at the number 9 in the number line below. You should see the smiley face in your peripheral vision. Now, slowly move your left eye to the right, along the number line in decreasing numerical order. At some point, you should notice the smiley face disappear (when exactly it happens depends on your eyes and how far away they are from the screen---if it doesn't work for you, try moving a little closer to the screen). When the face disappears, it's because the visual information from it is landing directly on the blind spot of your left eye. If you try it with both eyes open, you'll never lose sight of the smiley face. This is because the brain is using information from the other eye to fill in the blind spot and make it seem like the visual field is perfectly intact.